Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fun evening!!!

Hey folks!

I had a great time this evening. Li-en and I'd planned to eat dessert at the White Tangerine Cafe after dinner, so there we were, at around 9pm, feasting on DEEEELICIOUS scoops of ice cream and waffles and a chocolate brownie. First things first: My dear Ms Fok, if I gain MORE weight, it is ALL because of youuuu!!! Hahahaha...

After dessert our eyes zoomed in on the small stack of games at the back of the cafe. Hmm. Jenga with two persons isn't half bad! In fact, it's quite fun, considering the fact that I'm a total movement-retard and don't really have good hand-to-eye coordination. Haha. Well, practice makes perfect though, cos out of three times the Jenga tiles fell down, once was caused NOT by me! Haha! =) After that we tried this game, METRO, which neither of us knows how to play.. so it was really tikum-tikum one.

All the while we were buggin' the crab-eatin' Kwang Brothers, who were already in the vicinity, to come join us - after all, the MORE the MERRIER! So when they arrived (after a record-breaking solid TWO hours spent cracking into their crabs), we immediately grabbed the set of Pictionary and proceeded to (try to) win 'em.

Well lemme tell you this - NEVER, EVER, play against a set of brothers. Or sisters, for that matter. I would maybe say siblings, but I realize that different genders do process thoughts differently. While, but anyhow, brothers and sisters make unstoppable, undefeatable teams, as they can ALMOST read each others' minds.

Take this as an instance:

Hansel: (draws ugly, inscrutinable blob)
KL and Li-en: Huhhh??? What the heck is that? (try to imagine the background cackling from the elder Kwang)
Rimtimtim: POT!/TIE!/CANDLE! (and is almost at least 80% correct)

Haha.. see what I just told you? For anyone who's depressed/in a bad mood, I guarantee that a few hours spent just interacting with friends will make you feel happier. =)

Yea!! Narnia tomorrow!!! I can't wait.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahahaha! tt part abt the brothers was hilarious! eh they live together for like, 22yrs leh, how to beat?

7:28 PM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...

Eh my dear Lalang...

In the end we won lor. HAhahaha..

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. u sure it wasn't a fluke? :X hurhurhur. i shld try with my sis..

10:21 PM  
Blogger Dinky said...

kailuo and me got connection mah! hahaha...

Miss Lan please don't blame ME if you get FAT!!! anyways we can always go running rite? hah
but that said, that 24 hour hong kong cha chan ting is waiting for us! hehe =D

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go eat nvr call me... hw can?!

10:24 PM  
Blogger Dinky said...

lalang do you want to go eat? hahaha...
then we can go running together to burn off all those FATS too afterwards.

2:22 AM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...


Eh LAlang..

Okie okie, next time when we go makan, we will SURE call you along? =p Even if it's Ramly burger or anything.. okie?

Okay then when we all get more.. prosperous.. dun blame one another hor. Muahahaha.

Looking forward to MON!!!!


10:56 AM  

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