Sunday, January 01, 2006

This is killing me...

.... ever had that hateful experience whereby a song keeps getting stuck in your head, and you can't seem to get it out of your system?

Yup, I'm experiencing it now..

"And in Your Holiness I find redemption's song/
In Your Majesty I find where I belong..."


That's about all I know of this song.. and I really wanna find out more. Why isn't google revealing more results??? Grrr... this is really really killing me man. =/ Haha..

Am wondering if I should go for the watchnight service later.. so far everyone I've asked is not going. Or should I NOT go, and rest at home? Logically speaking, of course, if everyone were like me and asked around and found out that everyone else is NOT going, and hence chose NOT to go, that would be a disaster for church attendance... Hmmmm..

Sometimes my rational mind kills me too.



Blogger Sin Yi said...

Am glad you came dear girl! =) you've been sucha blessing to so many of us! blessed 2006! lovelove! -sinyi-

6:25 PM  

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