Saturday, December 24, 2005

Gummy bears, gummy bears, bouncing everywhere...

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

Haha. Makes me feel kinda better, abit. Cos this result is funny, AND quite true.. many people have said that I remind them of either a gummy bear (I wanna be a red one) or TIGGER. Hmm..

But sometimes I wonder.. if it's my gummy bear personality that makes people NOT take me seriously. Not good. Not good at all.


Then half my problems would be resolved.

Oh, right. The gummy bear wishes to report on her grades...uhm. Well, I didn't do well this semester, but at least it was better than expected! Praise the Lord!!!!! I mean.. it could very easily have swung the other way.. I could very easily have failed, or gotten C-'s or something, for the two philosophy modules that I didn't study for. But nope, by God's grace..yeshhhh!!! I, uhm, did reasonably okay with them.

But I'm fully determined to... really do well next semester. Well, not DO WELL simply..but I really want to work hard. I think for the past one year, I've played so much that I've forgotten sometimes the joy of being well-disciplined, and the sense of accomplishment one gets from doing well... but also, and most importantly, I want to do it - to honour Him! Yes.. everything should be done to honour You, who made us all and gives us any strengths we have.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:38 AM  

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