Saturday, December 24, 2005

Jesus loves us so much.

Dear Lord Jesus,

It hit me only right just now - just how much you love us.

I was tossing and turning in bed, trying to take a nap - a heavenly nap that'll let me forget all my sorrows. But somehow, the tears still came. It hurt so bad. I wasn't crying "wah wah wah" like a baby who needs milk, but instead, crying great, big, fat, silent wrenching tears that really came from my heart.

And then I realised - if this is how bad, how hurt, how sorry, how "I-hate-life-and-life-sucks-" I am capable of feeling, when someone I care so much for disappoints me, time and time again - just how terrible do YOU feel, each and every time we do that, Lord Jesus?

Thank You..for loving us so much that not only were You willing to take up the cross and its burden, but also to feel sad each and every time we sin, and most importantly - to forgive us each and every time we hurt You. Thank You, Lord. We're only humans and I must say, each and every time I'm hurt and discouraged, my threshold level for tolerance goes way down, and my distrust goes up a tiny, minute notch. But You, Jesus, will never do that. You will always love and forgive us.

I pray that one day I'll be like You, as much as my human limitations can take me.

But right now, I'm feeling... so... hurt. WHY, Lord, WHY?



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