Sunday, April 02, 2006

New blog entry alert!!!!

All right, due to popular demand, I shall give myself stress and churn out an entry NOW. (note the time)

I just woke up. Not from a nightmare, exactly. But it was not a good dream.

In my dream, myself and my gang of friends (who remained faceless, but I gather it's the same gang of people I hang around with in the daytime) went hiking, and the only things we had to eat were - potatoes.

Yup. So on the way, we went past this house which had two innocuous, fluffy looking pet dogs staring at us - and a pet worm. Yup. WORM.

It was the size of a python - about 6 feet long - and all curled up. Its head looked like the root end of a turnip, that is, it had a scraggly head, and its end was.. uhm.. rounded. Nice and smooth worm. I wasn't too scared of it, cos it looked and felt like a soft toy.

Anyways, so the owner of the house gave this pet worm to us. I remember thinking it was cute, and stuffed it into my bag.. until some smart aleck turned to me and asked where the potatoes were.

"Uhm.. in my bag?" I ventured. "With the worm.. oh no!"

This dream worm ate potatoes. And given its size, it had easily consumed ALL OUR POTATOES - our only rations!!!!! Its tummy looked like that of a python after it had swallowed an antelope.

When I woke up, we were still debating whether or not to cut it open and retrieve the (as yet) undigested potatoes, or to burn it (uhm, don't ask me why.. but I think the burning part has something to do with the "fragrance of burnt offerings" Pastor Jenni was talking about earlier..)

Anyone care to interpret my dream?

Actually, I think the "eat potatoes" part might have come from the afternoon-long attempts by all of us in the Southern Cross Team (my Mission Team) to joke about having to start talking in Chinese. We were given this package which included a Chinese Bible - the source of much fun as we ribbed Joshua Ho about only being able to "jia kantang"...



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