Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Exciting days ahead!

Exciting!!! Yes, folks, that's the word for today, and which describes yesterday, today, and the many tomorrows that I will face in my journey with God!

Well, it was exciting to be taught the guitar. Admittedly, I only know 6 chords now, and my fingers are numb, AND I've managed to alienate/irritate - oh, only about half the crusaders around Crusade Corner - but I foresee.. something.. uhm.. great! Yes, that's the word - something great! If not great music, at least great worship! Ha-ha.. now let's just see if I can keep up the enthusiasm.. and not have to eat my words. :p

Here, I'd like not only to thank my friends for not giving up on me and for, *ahem*, edifying me all along, but also to apologise to them. For *whispers* many more hours of torment. Heh-heh. Oh well, at least you could say I'm a Godsent to many of you guys out there - I was sent by God to test your patience!!!

A special thanks goes out to... who else but.. my Guitar-Guru, Sifu of Strings, Mr Joshie Chee! Ha-ha. Despite him saying I treat him like crap (c'monnnn Joshieeeee.. I don'tttttt....), I'd have the whole world know, I DON'T! I respect his playing skills and that's why I'm always seekin' for new and most importantly, fast ways to improve my strumming, so as to .. uhm.. to make known his great teaching! =)

Nah, seriously.. thanks J, for teaching me and not being impatient. Ha-ha. Despite the many many opportunities.

Well let's see.. something embarrassing did happen today when I started practising and "Consuming fire-ing" though.. I was chased out of a classroom! Apparently the law students were having their lessons in the classroom next to mine, and so I was chased out.. but not before I overheard loads of snickering and "I know this song, but.." emitting from the wall. Hmm. Red-faced and abashed, I tiptoed back past the classroom to the room where Lindeee and co were.

The moment I opened the door, they burst out in laughter. Apparently some smart-alecky law student had come into their room before visiting mine, to ask if they were the ones singing.

Hmm. Another exciting thing that's happened. Thanks to an inspiring talk I had with a fellow ASPC-ian (who shall remain unnamed here), I was .. uhm, inspired. To take his/her lead and to pray the same prayer that he/she had prayed, some time ago. And which God had answered, truly and surely. Thanks. =)

Dear Lord.. I've already committed this whole thing into Your mighty Hands, Father.. so now, Lord, what I ask is for the faith and courage, the faith and courage to know that You'll see this through.. Life's going to be really, extremely exciting and packed with what You will answer me with, Lord.

Exciting!!! *rubs hands* Although I might look back upon this and call myself a sadist, sometime in the future.. but all's in the control of God.

God will bring things about in His own time - "God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords..." 1 Tim. 6:15


Blogger Cheerycolours said...

Good tt u'r learning a new instrument. Guitar-playing is convenient for all occasions and I'm sure u'll get 2 flaunt ur playing one day. But I jz do not tink guitar and girls fit together. Call me a stick-in-the-mud :P

9:36 AM  

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