Friday, January 06, 2006

Yup, you're right Piglet; it's the MEN who don't get it!!! (and some other thoughts) Hehehe..

You say "Wait. If there's even any doubt, WAIT. It can't come from Me." So, even though it's terribly agonizing, I shall wait. Emotions are funny things, and even though I can't say - oh, snap my fingers in the morning and pray that they're gone by the evening, I can still.. I don't know. Trust more in You and Your plans for me. It's the time to enjoy myself and serve You now, and in the future I won't have the time for this. So what I should logically do - is WAIT. It's gonna be so tough.. but I know You, and all my friends, will help me through. After all, Jesus suffered too.. psychologically (so much so that He sweated blood in the evening before His crucifixion).. physically, definitely MUCH MUCH more than 99.999% of us will ever suffer. He was a man too; He had emotions, He had his pains. He wondered why His Father could turn His face from Him. But ultimately, Jesus never disobeyed His God and Father, despite all the internal turmoil, the stress, the emotions. Yup..I pray that I never too.

My dear girls!!! Those who have listened to me grouse last night. And maybe to a certain extent in the coming days. Thankewwwwww!!! =) Like Li-en, I really wanna thank all of you.. for pointing me to the correct view, the Godly view. It's true, the MEN don't get it.. most of them need some kinda crash course in sensitivity and tact. HAHA. Well I said MOST of them... that's so not true for my loyal regular male readership, which (up til now) has hit a brilliant, record-breaking sum tally of ... ONE! Hehe.. you know who you are. Hey but really, I think that you're really sensitive..thanks for voicing out your thoughts in such a frank, logical way always, and for helping me to change. Thank God that He is leading you to lead others in a godly manner.

Oh right. Girls.. I also wanna give a big shout here.. I really thank God for all of you too!!! Yup, for listening.. and like Li-en says, for understanding, or pretending! In the past year one tremendous blessing He's brought me has been all of you.. all the precious support, encouragement, and concern that sometimes, only girls (and guys who get it) can give. AND for bringing me to good eateries too..heh-heh. Lindeee, let the Tau Huay shop be the first in many many good food stalls, please....

Heading for LM later. I have something for the two girls mentioned here!!! =) Not the Giraffe shirt though..hahaha.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah I hate men!!! they are SOOO unevolved!!!! In ten years time, we'll be keeping them for pets!! hurrah!!! I'll call him into the house only if I need some moving done, or the trash taken out. My gosh.... they are gross and tactless and dirty and smelly. Bleaggggggggh

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the poster hate men so much?
I guess you just have not seen that side of them. They are just like you. Human. Yes we have small brains the size of testicles sometimes.

Acording to my friend, men develop self destructive behaviours because they cannot cry as openly or whine as openly as girls do.

Yes women can do things that men can't, but then agin that is what the opposite sex is for is it not?

5:12 PM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...


Okie okie, be nice, people. Especially Miss Anonymous. Have listened to your views for the past 21 years (HOHO!) but yup.. you know where I stand. Haha.

Dear Lun,

Ohhh-kay. Bear in mind. Most people don't hate the other gender. Neither do I. It's just that you have to admit.. guys do need a lesson in sensitivity.. while girls need a crash course in practicality. Yup. =)


10:55 AM  

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