Friday, January 06, 2006

About street evangelism.

As a Christian, one important aspect of life is to carry out the Great Commission - to go forth and spread the Good Word. Acts 1:8 - ".. and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

Here're just some thoughts about it. I know some people are uncomfortable about doing it, and this post isn't meant to demean them or what. Personally, God's blessed me with a sunny personality and a character that takes rejection relatively well, so.. well.. for me, Street E isn't really that much of a stumble. So yup, I thank Him. But really, disclaimer: this post isn't meant to stress that the Crusade focus on Street E rules and is much better than other forms of evangelism, ie. friendship evangelism.

Personally, like I said, I'm someone who doesn't fear approaching total strangers on the streets and telling them, or at least attempting to tell them about the Gospel. Of course, manytimes they're busy, and while on the surface they pass you a nice smile and wave you off like an annoying little fly, most of the time deep down inside they're simmering. "Stupid Christians".. they mutter. "Can't they just let us off for ONE day, for goodness' sake???"

Well, the answer is that - nope, we can't. Sorry, you strangers out there on the street. If there were a cure for AIDS, everyone would be jumping for joy to embrace the secret. Well..what's up then, why're you all so hostile still about the GREATEST NEWS? =( It just is so sad...

But whereas some Christians think that Street E has a detrimental effect cos of the hostility it causes to arise in people, and hence is not an effective tool for spreading the Word, I beg to differ. Well, personally, I'm a thinking being (okay, we all are, but maybe I'm more of a smart-aleck than most).. and I think that anything that causes the idea of Christ, of the Salvation available to us, to be stirred up in the consciousness of the people of the world is good. Because only when they think, can they question, and only when they question can they understand and believe. So thinking about stuff's definitely better than keeping them dormant.

Yup, and another point for Street E. What's our motivation in doing it? Well, for me, it's not out of a certain masochistic joy in being made to squirm and answer the deeply-penetrating questions of some pre-believers. It's more of a commandment, I believe. Like it says in Acts 1:8. There are instances in the bible when the GIANTS obeyed God, without knowing why. Well Jesus obeyed God despite the belief amongst his disciples and the others, that his death would have a detrimental effect. Abraham obeyed God and was willing to sacrifice Isaac, despite what that seemed to mean. What I personally can do, I believe, is also to obey.

Of course, it doesn't need to be overt evangelism all the time. As long as others can see that we as Christians are the light and salt of the earth, and that the goodness of God just shines through us - as long as we are walking in the Spirit - I'm sure that is a better testimony than hours of relentless arguing. That's something I as a naturally impulsive and impatient person has to pray about. And most importantly, of course, evangelism isn't about converting someone on the spot - it's a process that might take years and depends on God's will for that person.

So fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who're reading this, please do keep in mind all the above. I'm not sayin' I'm correct, I'm just voicing my personal views. =) In a totally tactful manner, heh-heh-heh.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

since you're not saying you're correct, i'll say you're correct hahah :)

i agree. and i think when we act sincerely out of a heart of love and compassion, people will be able to tell the difference!

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

;) Miss Lan... the sheer number of blog posts shows that we really need to spend less time on the net (and go out with me more often!) keke...

11:48 PM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...

Dear e,

Ahahaha. Of course I'm correct lah. =) Okie okie kidding..but yup, thanks for agreeing. You know, we really must talk most about... SERIOUS stuff.. next time. Instead of never being able to finish a conversation. Haha!

Dear Ms Fok,

Oi.. how bout your own blog? Hehehe. Okie fine, from 9th January onwards.. no such sheer numbers. Looking forward to next Monday!! YAYYY!!!


10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ye. we definitely have to try to get us to finish our sentences!!! it seems our attention spans aren't even long enough for that (ok for me lah, cos i can talk veryyy fast :0 hahhahah)

my previledge to catch you on a serious occassion! :) (really!) :)

11:28 PM  

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