Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Just another sleepless night...

Heh. Just like any other regular student, I'm the type who believes in one last, big bash before settling down to work.

Well, I guess that for this semester would be - last night. Or rather, last night AND the whole of this morning. There was no special occasion or event - we'd just wanted simply to have fun and enjoy ourselves, and so decided to sleepover at my house, play some games, watch a coupla Dvd's. Well suffice to say, it was GREAT! How could it not be, spending time with the precious girls in my life - Dinkeee and Lindeee? Hee. Getting to know my new classmates Joann and Barney even better and realising just how similar we are, and how much chemistry we have - hey guys, I foresee a great one sem doing that too! Haha.. and also, just joking along with that golden boy Hans, with that gigantic smile on his face that most of the time never fails to cheer us up too. =)

So there we were, gathered at 12 midnight (!!!!) in my attic. Li-en suggested playing the Shadows of Camelot game, and even though it took the other 5 of us intelligent NUS undergrads about 1 hr (well, with suitable intervals of shrill laughter and munchin') to understand the mysterious workings of the game, finally we got down to it. Well, it's mostly about working together and combining special powers to fight quests, unless you're the special, annointed, unknown Traitor, in which case, you try your darndest to look innocently at the others and Pull a Barney. And what, pray, is that, exactly?

Well, imagine this taking place halfway through the game:

Barney: KL is a rotten King Arthur, she is BOUND to be the traitor!!!
Joann and Li-en: *nod vigorously*
Lindy and Hans: Hmmm... no. We trust her! (probably cos KL's too blur and stupid to survive long as a treacherous member of the kingdom. THEY know me best. Haha.)
Barney: LOOK! We have all the evidence -
KL: Heyheyhey! Just cos I'm stupid at this kinda board games, doesn't mean you can expose me as King Trai - oops.
Everyone, with realisation dawning upon them: Hey, she DID almost call herself King Traitor...
KL: Shucks....
Barney: *forcibly reaches out and turns KL's card over, to reveal her utmost loyalty.
KL: Told ya I was stupid...

And in the end the most willing of accusers, the most vocal, the most articulate, the one pledging his fervent loyalty to the King - HE turned out to be the traitor. Hmmf. Well that set the tone of the early morning, as one by one, subsequent Traitors tried to pull "Barnies" - OR tried to pull psychological tricks in WHICH they accused others of trying to pull "Barnies". Hansel as a Traitor is unbearably evil - imagine a gleeful voice sniggering away as he takes away yet another life of yours... Lindy, on the other hand, tried hard to incapacitate others in their search for the Traitor, as she made use of her well-known blur-ness. Heh-heh. Not bad, you guys! =P

Take it from me - this game is hysterical when it's 3am in the morning and you're still trying to obtain the Holy Grail, but fail to do so due to some evil chio-bu sorceress called Morgan. We were in cackling mode one-third of the time, concentrating furiously on making wise decisions another 2/3rds, and staring blankly at one another in severe states of sleep deprivation the last third.

Well, I'd just like to say thanks to four groups of people. Firstly, my sister, for so sweetly volunteering to come up with hors d'ouvres, and then whipping up in such a short time the Jamie Oliver-worthy spread of egg mayo and cheese and chilli padis. Hmmm. Take it from me, she's a brilliant cook (unfortunately it doesn't run in the family) and a self-sacrificial person. Hey guys, too bad she's taken! =)

And also, to my family - for bearing with the loud thumping coming from the attic, the shouts of "EHHHH!!! Traitor!!!", the cups and mattresses and plates we usurped, for the pratas my Dad bought us this morning, etc etc.. Sometimes it's at times like that when you simply realise just how blessed you are. And I am. Thank You, Lord, for my family.

Thank you to everyone who came and made the night and morning so enjoyable! Thanks for the company and the fellowship, and the lack of complaints (well, from mostly EVERYONE..) about the reekiness of my house. Haha. When you've had dogs for so long, you tend to get.. immune to their smell.

And lastly! Thank you SOOOO much to one special guest! Not only was his arrival unprecipitated, he also managed to stir up some excitement amongst 5 sleepy-headed young adults at around 7am in the morning! Check this out:

Li-en, Kailuo, Hans, Lindy, and Barney are snoozing peacefully, scattered amongst the sofas in the living room. Joann, smart girl, had elected to stay upstairs in the aircon and (relative) clean-ness.

Suddenly, Lindy: (mumbling) WErhasdfo... waddd...something.. hmm...
Everyone else: Huhhh.... what...
Lindy: (clearer this time, in a cautious tone) Kailuo.. I said.. do you.. uhm.. keep other rodents? Other than hamsters?
KL: ...... uhm... What'd you see?
Lindy: Uhhh... I saw...something big... just run past me and into this sofa (hereby pointing at the sofa Barney was still blissfully, ignorantly sleeping on). Something with a TAIL.

After acertaining that the creature had not been a figment of her imagination, NOR a cockroach, we decided to corner it and poke it out.

KL and Lindy: (stepping gingerly to sofa) Uhh..Barney.. maybe you could.. get up? We wanna do...something.
Barney: (sleepily) Waadddd? Did your hamster escape?
Everyone else:.... uh...nope.. its cousin? (Silent sniggering and desperate holding in of giggles)

After a fair bit of pushing around and poking, FINALLY! The distinguished guest decided to reveal himself, and ran out into full sight to show a brownish-blackish (according to the eyewitness, Ms Lindy Teo) coat and a long tail.

Lindy, KL and Hans: (jumping on sofas) AHHHHHHH!!!!
Li-en and Shanghai: ......... (Stupid Shanghai was sleeping and didn't even twitch, by the way...)

All right! So that about summed up the night - not only sleepless (in Singapore), but exciting and fun. Smelly, maybe. Rodent-y. But ah well, it's not everyday that people come to stay over. Hey gang, let's do it again during the next holiday!!!! =) All the best for your semester, and remember to continually strive hard to honour Him in everyway - and that includes studies!



Blogger Dinky said...

and thank you Kailuo for your attic, pillow, food, hp charger, umbrella, the attempt at packing ur room (uh actually did u pack it in the end? haha), tv, doggy covered sofa, the massage chair(!), early morning singing and even earlier morning adventure in your living room, blur-ness, undying enthusiasm, and especially your sportingness to learn a totally complicated game. even if strategic board games aren't your cup of tea, i still had a blast with you around. adds alot more spice! hee
Thank you God for kailuo and her family!

1:56 AM  

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