Wednesday, December 21, 2005

First a very long time.

It's been a looooong time since I last posted something.

Yup, granted, that was on my OLD blog (which has since been deleted, so stop trying to look for it and dig out secrets, any kaypohs out there). Why did I delete it? Let's just say.. that I've really changed since last year.

Or rather, God's and His Holy Spirit've changed me. Because we've got to realise that we can't do anything on our own.. even though from young, we've learnt that our thoughts and emotions belong to us, I've come to realise that there is a Greater Being out there, who knows everything that's on our minds. Nothing can be hidden from Him, and only He can work in us to create changes.

So, I thank You, Lord, for changing me. From the cynical, skeptical, anti-God/Christianity idiot I was last year, whose every post had an aim to ranting at something, to the... person I am now. Yes, I'm still an idiot, I still (OF COURSE!) have my faults.. but the good thing is, You've pointed me towards identifying them, and right now I pray that You can work in me, to produce a daughter that's to Your liking, who will please You.. and whose every act will glorify You. And that's why I named this blog "A passion for Your Name".. cos I want to be reminded of You and of how to honour You, even in the simple act of blogging.

"Consuming fire, fan into flame.. A passion for Your Name.
Spirit of God, won't You fall in this place."

Lord, that is my prayer, now and forever.

Okie, more later, folks!



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