Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Yesh, I'm workin' on the island now, or rather slackin'. Hehe. HALLELUJA, my sister Da Bandit called up Singtel to threaten them (with I don't know what, imaginery threats?) and made me fax 'em something that vaguely seemed like a threat, and now the password to the office's router has been revealed and I can go online like any normal human being living in the 21st century...ha-ha.

Wells, anyways. The island has got a name, Bukom Island. But I guess I just like to call it "the island" cos it adds a sense of mystery and nonchalence to the whole working there affair. Hiakz.

I like working with my sis, though. Even though she has to wake me up at the unearthly hour of 6.30am (I mean! I've not woken up so early since... since JC!!! GAHHH!), and we have to trudge down with bleary eyes to the MRT station, stand sulkily cos the PAP-supporters in Ponggol and Sengkang have already gotten seats, take a ferry from Harbourfront to Pasir Panjang Terminal (and sometimes, my sister threatens, a cab which I have to pay for if I make us late), and then a 15 minutes ferry ride into the island - it's all worth it.

Why? Well it's not cos of the money, nor cos of the dreary, boring job.. I guess I like it, cos I get to spend time with Da Bandit. And she's cool about it! She brings me around and trots me around to all her supervisor and foremen friends on the island like I'm a prized dawggie. Ha-ha. We get to spend time travellin' together to work and back, and during lunch, and elevenses, and tea breaks too! Haha... We get to play with stray kitties in the canteen together, smile winningly to the Drinks Stall Auntie in hopes that she'll present us with free pieces of Kueh Lapis together, and all... well I don't think (and at least, hope so!) we'll get sick of each other anytime SOON! Cos after all we're SISTERS and we do know what the other's quirks and nuances are like.. so as soon as someone looks liable to explode I think we know enough to back off.

But seriously.. thanks, Bandit, for bearing with Da Beagle's irritatin' questions (Sample question - why does the Auntie in the office have to wear a blue construction suit while still in the office? Answer - because she's COLD! *duh*) Thank you for takin' such good care of me and making sure the construction workers do not make eyes at me. (as though they would, though..haha.) Thank you for wakin' me up so faithfully these few days and the next comin' weeks! GAHHHH! Thank you for buying me stuff like the 'zine and food..and for keepin' me company instead of the oldtimers on the island. Thanks for bearing in mind that you HAVE to punch your card (hiakz) cos your dear sister is now the official timekeeper and ain't standing for no nonsense. And most of all, thanks for spending time with me! Yesh.

Right now I'm sniffin and coughing away. I think it's a combination of not enough sleep (about 3 hours per night for 2 weeks already!!! How DO I cure insomnia?), too much junky food, too much shouting and singing yesterday night at the Crusade Thanksgiving, AND the clincher - (I think) - a sore throat virus from a certain person. But at least this person tried to prevent my sore throat by giving me Strepsils yesterday! Hoho.

Yesterday was great! I hadn't wanted to go and was feeling sickened and tired and grouchy and nervous already after work. I wanted to go home and SLEEP. And SLEEP. But boy, am I glad I went!

I got to -
1) See my good pals! Most of all, the ones I have spent the most time with and who I miss the most this past week of not seeing them - my study kaki's!!!

2) I got to spend time talking with a few people who I haven't interacted with for quite some time.. they are people who are quite special to me too!

3) And most of all.. I thank God for the chance to serve Him by leading (a not so technically perfect, but ah-who-cares) worship yesterday. YEA!

4) And I got to bully my guitar guru during practice by making him play for 3 hours until his fingers are bloody and shredded. Haha, nah I'm kidding.. but seriously, I thank Joshieeeee is great! He's obliging most of the time but knows when to draw the line, and he understands why I don't signal early enough.. hee.

5) I got to burst balloons and run around attacking people with balloons, threatening to burst them!

6) The e-vil Empress K got to *ahem* tyrannize the Kwang Clan of martial artistes. At least that's what Swordsman Foo claims. Well but for that.. I have one, whole more year to do it! Hiakz hiakz hiakz... *evil laughter*

But truly.. God has been good, and that's what the Thanksgiving is really all about. All about thanking God for His goodness, the blessings He has given us, the joys He has showered upon us, the favours He has shown - but more than that, more than anything He has given us, it's really just to thank Him, thank Him for who He is - someone so eternal, so perfect, so kind and loving and gracious. Even when we cannot feel Him, God is there; even when the earth is dark and our thoughts so clouded with darkness that we cannot catch even a glimpse, a peek of the light that is shining from heaven - God is there. He is here, for us and with us.

That being said - it brings to mind one of the people I care most strongly about. Much as I want you to grow and however convinced I am that God is doing all He is doing to you for a purpose, I still cannot help feeling sad when I look at you, talk to you, and find out that you're still .. well, not really ok. Just ok-ok. (Think you know who you are?) But you know what - just hold on to the promise, that one day He will bring you through. Just have patience, and rest assured in Christ - and one day a breakthrough will come. I promise you. God promises you. =)

And as I look back, I realize I really have so much to give thanks for. Not only for the material blessings He's showered me with, all the friends and people who love me so much and who give so much, so freely to me.. I also thank Him for the people whom I can give to! Those that I can share my joy with, whom I can pray for, who I can give something to.

Recently I've started to think that being someone who is an eternal optimist (well save some periods when I can get REALLY down in the dumps) and who is like a gummi bear isn't too great. I mean.. sometimes, people tend not to take me seriously, because I joke and laugh it off. But that isn't true, and it sucks.

But really, I think God is using a few people to reassure me, to reaffirm me that He's made me like that for a purpose. I really appreciate it and feel blessed when someone tells me I just cheered them up with my ridiculous jokes or laughter.. no really, I think I feel more thankful to them than they do me. Yesterday I got a very nice postcard which sort of really spoke to me about this issue. I don't know if you're reading this, but thanks, Kelvin! =) And also, a link someone has sent me recently has also touched me. Thanks girl.. for sending it to me. I really appreciate it and thank you for entrusting me with it. Rest assured.. and I'm praying praying PRAYING for you! Hee... enjoy yourself, okie? (But remember to miss us too!)

I really want to spend time this holidays just seeking You, O Lord.. I don't know how soon You will reveal more of Your wonders to me, but as Bro Henson Lim said during service last Sunday, I just have to - PRESS ON! (actually he said Press in but well I think he has a little tiny problem with his propositions. Haha.)

Yes, so PRESS ON - press on, in searching for intimacy with You, in just seeking You and becoming someone worthy to be called Your friend. Draw near to God and He will draw near to me - AMEN!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... it's prepositions. And it is press in. hehe... Now that i've angered Empress K... heheh.... But i've learnt the latest move in the newest Kungfu manual out in all major bookstores around you. It's called... The "put-your-foot-in-her-mouth-so-she-can't-talk" kick, and with that latest move, i've nothing to fear...

11:42 PM  

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