Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The right choice?


Sometimes I wonder if I made the wrong choice, choosing to major in - Philosophy.

*grumble grumble*

All other times of the year I adore learning about causality, about incompatibilism, about Dworkin and his dilemma about autonomy, about how all other disciplines are affected by philosophy... I love seeing how the eyes of other people widen in amazement *smirk* when I tell them I study philosophy... I like being able to engage in meaningful discussions about whether or not the sale of kidneys should be legalized.

But still.

During exam times I really wonder if I've made the right choice or not. Whereas other people seem to be having a breezy time of it - after studying, they at least are guaranteed of getting a B - I seem to hover between either very good or very bad. I don't know, I guess philosophy's like that - either you get it, or you don't.

Sigh. And I'm starting to think that for most of it, I don't.

This sometimes is quite demoralizing. But then I think of how passionate I am about these abstract issues like autonomy and liberty (haha, like some people can testify to) so.. yea, maybe I have made the right choice?


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