Saturday, May 06, 2006

Man, I've glad I've made the Right Choice.

POWER TO THE PEOPLE! YOU GO, MY MP, MR LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Am reading this book about the Holy Spirit and the powers He has to heal, lent to me by the one and only Ian Chen. (He of the impossibly high CAP!!! Let's see it soar even higher on the wings of eagle this semester!!!! =p) I'm supposed to pass it on when I have finished it, and I think I know already who I would like to read it.. but in the meantime I'm slowly savouring each and every morsel of teaching that I'm glimpsing from this book.

I especially find the part in the first chapter (right, I'm only up to the second chapter) - I am, like the author, indeed also a manipulator, a hypocrite. Manytimes I fall into the danger of wanting to show myself as a "good" Christian to the world - but what does God look at? Only at our hearts, and not our performances, not at how powerfully we sing, not at how emotional our prayers sound. He wants to see our heart, the longing to be with Him, the broken-ness when we are without Him...

But you know what? There is absolutely no condemnation in Christ Jesus. He wants us to see our failures, our mistakes, but He also wants us, above all, to see that we are His children - children of the KING! So we shouldn't feel weary about our mistakes - we should lift our chin up and tell the world that, yes, we are weak by ourselves, but boy are we strong when we trust in Him!!!!

I'm so happy right now cos I've received one of the best news that I could have received in the world - my dear friend, I love you so much!!! I'm exhilarated for you..and will pray pray PRAY hard for you!!! =)


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