Tuesday, April 25, 2006

If life is so short...

All right, since it's a ridiculously late (or early?) 2 something in the morning.. I shall turn all emo and start getting all angsty and since I've already come out of the closet about my little secret, I shall.. uhm... satisfy the inner Moffatt-fan in all my readers. (don't bluff, I'm sure all of you have an inner Moffatt-fan peeking out.)

Anyways. Today Delia revealed that she used to like this song. Heh-heh. Yesh, it was one of my favourites too. (well all their songs were my "favourites").

If Life is so Short

Isn't it funny how time seems to slip away so fast
One minute you're happy the other you're sad
But if you give me one more chance
To show my love for you is true
I'll stand by your side
Your whole life through

If life is so short
Why won't you let me love you
Before we run out of time
If love is so strong
Why won't you take a chance
Before our time has gone

Love is a word that explains
How I feel for you
When you're in my arms
All my dreams come true
And when you're not around
You can't hardly see
These tears that I'm crying now
Are for you to be with me

Funny that right now, post-teenage years, I don't really think romantic love is so idealistic. So perfect. People fall in and out of love; no relationship is perfect, and I don't believe there's anyone amongst "happily-married's" who wish that he or she were not married to his/her partner, at least for one second.

Instead, the only one who's really qualified to sing this song is God. Yea! He wants to be with us so much; He wants us to be His friend, His confidante, His good children. He cries along with us when we tear; He is saddened even more when we turn away from Him purposely. He paints the pink glow in the sunset every evening, He makes the edelweiss flowers bloom on the Alps - and all for whom?

For you. Yes, you. However unworthy and unloved you think you are, the Creator of our universe loves you. He wants to pursue you, and He's relentless in his chase. Life is so short - why don't you let Him love you? Why don't you take a chance and find out?


Blogger Hansel's DG said...

Hey i used to like that song too... wah.. very sad song leh... super wallowy. Jia you for your exams and thanks for the ricola sweets.

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hansel's DG has 5. So which are ya?

7:53 PM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...


1) SHIFU! Stop impersonating me. Ha-ha... you have your own extra-humanistic identity i.e. Natasha the Walking Gorilla...

2) Aiyo. Only one of Hansel's DG likes Ricola sweets (I think).

8:26 PM  

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