Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A few things..

*Ahem*, here're a few things, totally random and unrelated from one another, that's true, but that I want you guys to know:

1) The phatbeagle who has been posting surreptitious comments on my blog is not me. I am not such a schizo. Under my superb level of deduction, and because he has not denied it, I am 99.999999% sure that is is my strumming shifu, Mr Joshie Chee.

ADMIT IT, JOSHIE! Or I will drag your name in dirt and mud and plaster it all over the front page of this blog!!! *evil laughter* Heh-heh-heh-heh...

2) I have not brushed my teeth for a looong time (like, a few hours?) and I feel totally gunky. Yucky. Gross. My right canine is hurting, a bit, but I think that's just psycho-somatic.

3) I have just demolished half an entire box of almond chocolates in the past few hours. Gahhh..never again. Never again.

4) Dr Pelczar, my Philosophy of Mind lecturer, he of the short stature and balding head, has been kind enough to inform his dear students that: a) he has posted notes of some lectures, without which we would never be able to tackle the final exam, up online. That works for encouragement. And b) the average grade for his paper was C+ (!!!!!). That works for discouragement. Unfortunately, the former does not neutralise the latter.

5) Wen has just threatened to stuff my hamster Timmie with a firecracker. GAHHHH!!! Call 911!!!!!!

6) Speaking of hamsters - my mum and my dad have different pronunciations for different things which hark back to the root word hamster. For instance, my mum calls someone "Hamster"; there is a total reversal of this phenomenon, on the other hand, with my dad. He calls my hamsters "_ _ _ _ _ _ " <--- This blank being the name of the same certain someone. But don't worry I'm not revealing who. Am not so mean, contrary to popular belief. =)

7) Come, Friday come, Friday come come come... I need to talk to you, you, YOU, if possible!!!


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