Saturday, April 22, 2006

Came back from my Philo of Culture paper, felt sooo tired and sleepy. Don't ask me how it went.. hehe. Although I'd love to regale you kiddoes with tales of how many years this single exam took off my life...

Okie check these questions out:

1) Discuss and assess a significant problem that cultural diversity poses to philosophers.
2) Compare and contrast the different ways in which class may be related to culture. Which account do you consider the most illuminating?
3) "Adopting the wrong concept of culture will prevent us from knowing or understanding others' cultures, or even our own." Do you agree????

What the..... I did questions 1 and 3. As for the results.. hmm.

But really, the Grace of God pulled me through the paper!! I didn't totally blank out.. Halleluja.... *whistles, sings, stomps, claps..*

Well, I'm glad I had the phone conversation with a certain person today. Cos I managed to tell her all that I feel and am thinking and praying about, instead of closing myself entirely to her. But still.. I don't get it. There are sooo many ways to serve God. Trust me, doing either of what I'll be doing this holidays would be a BIG BIG BIG faith step.. so sometimes, it's really not what you do. It's how you respond to a situation that would please God.

I don't know. Is she being too.. narrow-minded? Are they all? Or am I not trusting God enough?

When I make my decision, I really want only to have to answer to God, and GOD only. I don't want to be pressured into anything by humans and their expectations.

I don't know.. I don't want to have to do it, either. What to do what to do WHAT TO DO???!???! Arghh.

Pray pray pray PRAY PRAY! Pray more, think less..and sometimes, just do it.

And also. I was feeling sad and glad. Mixed emotions are such funny things. I'm sad that someone is feeling so disappointed with, and despair of, the ways of the world. That's true, so so true. When you look at the human-caused disasters, the closing of so many ears to the truth, the murders, the suicides, the drugs, the disappointments and tears... it's all so sad. And yet I'm so glad, so thankful, that despite all that, Christ still shines through. That this someone knows that God is our source of hope and strength and joy. Always remember that, yup?

But one more thing I was sad about - because you can't seem to be able to see the little joys that God has dotted our world with - the tiny rainbows and sunrises and surprises that come along our way and make us smile.. not too well nor easily, I guess. Can you? I don't mean this in a bad way.. I was just wondering. Is it naturally harder for you to? I'll just have to remind myself of that - that people are all made differently - the next time I am too cheerful and try to force you others to see what I see. Yea, I guess that can be irritating sometimes.. ha-ha.

But anyway, just remember - there are so many things to rejoice in, in the world too. Constantly remind yourself of that, and don't lose hope.. in things of the world. And in those who care, like us.

I was walking in Lover's Park today and spending time with my lover - God, okay? Ha.. and listening to this brought tears to my eyes... cos I realised if I had been the only one on earth.. He would still have died on the cross for me, after doing all these things..

Did You rise the sun for me?
Or paint a million stars that I might know Your majesty...

Can I feel You in the rain?
Abandon all I am to have You capture me again?

Yes Lord.. because.. You are everything.. everything to us.. everything to me. I want to be able to say this, truthfully and honesty: All You are is all I want.

And I'm nothing but alive in Your Hands...
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the BEAUTY of Your Majesty...

And lastly, a big SHOUT-OUT - hey Chris, thanks for the call and the concern you've shown me all the time. =) You're the best cell group leader I've ever had! (okie, ignore the fact that you're the only CGL I've had... DG doesn't count, okay Lindeee dear? Ha-ha.)


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