Tuesday, April 18, 2006

6am escapades..

Man, I'm sooo tired.

Da Bandit burst into my room this morning and demanded that I wake up. Thank God she did! And thank God for her anal photographic memory and her big heart, heh.

Saved two Golden Retrievers from the dawg pound!

Apparently she had been out jogging at 5am (yes folks, unfortunately the early-bird-syndrome does not run in the family) and was discovered by two cute Goldens waggin their tail. They were LOST.

So she got it into her head to at least shut them into the pen outside Uncle Seah's pet shop and keep 'em there til we could find the owners, or somethin'. I was coerced/dragged into being the companion of the dawggies while she sprinted home and got the bare essentials : A note detailing who had found the dawggies, water, plus some food that we'd stolen from our dogs. PLUS a soup tureen that we had stolen from our parents. Ha-ha.

Anyways, the dogs are soooo sweet! They come and put their head on your lap when they want pats and affection.. and when I left, that was when I really really dreaded their big melting sad eyes. Terry (the skinnier one)'s eyes went downcast and his tail went down although it was still wagging.. it was as though he was saying Oh and I thought at least we'd have you for a longer time ... when I went off to go home.

Anyways. Thank God! I prayed really hard and I'm sure da Bandit did TOO. Thank God for her photographic memory, cos she actually memorised the license number on Terry's tag, and called the PPD (that's Primary Production Department) and she got the contact of the owner and contacted him and all...

So now, home sweet home for the dawggies. All's well that ends well. =)

Sweet. Our own personal Chicken Soup for the Dawg Owner's Soul story.


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