Sunday, April 09, 2006

Celebrate the litte things in life!

Yea yea, some people might be of the opinion that Kailuo's entire Sunday has been wasted - not only did I go (30 min!!) late for (2nd!!!) service, I also neglected my schoolwork to sleep and slack.

Well, I don't agree.

If I'd gone for 8.30 service, I would never have had the time to sit down with a nice, heaped bowl of Blueberry Morning cereal, crunchy oats in my mouth and the Sunday Times sprawled all over the table. Yum yum. I wouldn't have had the chance to sit with Karen during service and whisper (sometimes) and laugh. Sometimes I really miss those days when we would talk virtually every few days...

If I hadn't gone for service at all, I wouldn't have had the chance to learn something from God. Thank You, Father! I think He's reminding me, time and time again, of how much I need patience, of all things. Enthusiasm and passion and my usual fast-paced actions are all fine and dandy.. but what matters most is what would matter eternally.

If I'd left for school straight after service, I wouldn't have had the chance to eat and chat and laugh with some fellow ASPC-ians. After all, it's rare that Chris joins us for lunch; I've also not had the chance to eat and talk with Ansen after Bintan.

If I'd gone to school after that to study, I wouldn't have had the chance to be home on a Sunday afternoon for the first time in a long while, and just laze around on my bed and catch the warm, golden rays of the sunshine coming through my bedroom window like a gentle, subtle warm shower.. hmmm. Thank You Lord for the sun and its light! That's definitely one of my favorite things on earth.

If I hadn't fallen asleep, I wouldn't have had the chance to replenish my severe lack of sleep. ARGHHH. What happened to my eyes and nice smooth skin (underneath the eyes only, you understand.)???? If not for the afternoon nap my eyes would have been all puffy and my panda rings - even more panda-ish.

And just now I got to chomp on what used to be one of my favorite treats, smoked salmon sandwich from Delifrance, in a buttery, flakey croissant..hmm.. and I spent a little time playing with my neighbour's dog, Sunshine... (told ya I love the sun..).. and right now I'm catching up on my TV-ing time, and soonish I'll translate into proper English for my cousin some philosophical nonsense by David Hume.. Ha-ha. Oh well, it's not wasted time; I'll get to learn more about Humish philosophy anyways.

And right after that, it's more simple ways to enjoy the night.. (or morning).. I will spend time with God, and reflect upon myself. I will eat choccies and get a sugar high and bounce around the walls. I will poke awake Polo, who's sleeping on the couch now and snoring. I will go around looking for trashy teenage novels (how does Sweet Valley High sound?) and read a handful in one night. I will sit around and play my pathetic repertoir of worship songs on the guitar.


Celebrate the simple things!


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