Tuesday, April 11, 2006


In a bid to delay the inevitable i.e. starting on the research for my final paper this semester, I shall blog.

About mundane stuff.

I am in the Medicine library now.. my first time here! Yea! Quite refreshing to see how the other half of the school i.e. the chao mugger toad half lives. Heh-heh. But quite ironically, why is it that the Central Library and not the Med Lib or the Science Lib is the one that is packed?

Hmmm..does that mean that.. *gasps*.. Arts people are the chao mugger toads instead? <-- Yea, this is a very teenage-rish phrase, I know, I know.. it used to be "all the rage" during my NJ days.

Speaking of NJ days! I'm sitting here with Edwin Lee beside me! Ha-ha, haven't seen him for so long but he still looks the same! I'm not even talking to him but just sitting next to him brings back memories of the fun times we had disturbing the entire lecture in NJ. Not Edwin, but my JC-best friend Peiwen and I.. heh-heh. In fact we got so loud we were singularly the most notorious coupla girls the lecture had ever seen. They even called us.. *blushes*... can1 ting1 jing1 or "Canteen Spirits" cos our shrieks of laughter were so loud.. uhm...

Okie, maybe not something that should be disclosed so proudly...

I just had a triple layer chicken sandwich, a slice of Ricotta cheesecake, and a gigantic chocolate cookie, and a portion of double expresso..and my stomach still isn't satisfied!! GAHHHH. And right now my leg's bouncing up and down and I can't really look straight cos I think the sugar and the caffeine's in my system getting to my head..and my mind's racing too..not good not good..but yea! At least I made SOME headway in my research! YEA! Thank God!

Oh gosh.. I just reviewed my post..and I realise, I sound like those Youths in church whose blogs I'm forever stalking. Eeeeks.


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