Thursday, February 09, 2006

In the dead of the night II....


I can't be bothered to think of another title, for goodness' sake!! It's now 4.15am, and for the second (actually, is it the third? Or the fourth.. or fifth?) night running, I can't sleep well.

Oh wells. All the more time to spend trying to do work, poke Polo into baleful wakefulness, or stare at Timmie and Hammie entertain themselves with mini fights and wheel-running... not to mention all the more opportunity to totally humiliate myself in placing hopeless bets with Li-en about how early I'll reach the bus stop. Yesterday I was made to:
1) Lose an eclair/cookie to her
2) Uhm, do a dare (which I haven't done yet, but rest assured Dinkeee, I'm PRACTISING any chance I can!)...
...just cos I reached school a harmless total of 5 hours later than I said I would. *scowls*. Ha-ha.

Was reading Psalms 8 just now. Consider this: God, who made the heavens and the stars (does anyone doubt that? Could anyone doubt that?), is mindful of us! Us mere mortals; He has made us only a little lower than angels, and has crowned us with glory and honour.

Something to remember, in times when troubles loom and everything and everyone seem to be conspiring against us - we are still so loved and honoured, and by whom? By the Creator of the universe. Wow. =)

O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth!

I attended a tutorial for my Philosophy of Culture module earlier tod - nope, actually yesterday. Now, don't ask me what this whole module is about, cos I don't know. I don't really get the big picture... which is terrible, considering I don't get the small picture sometimes either. Oh wells. But anyways, part of this tutorial was about - Cultural Relativism.

What is Cultural Relativism? It's the theory that different cultures have different moral standards - for instance, that we don't condone infanticide, but Eskimos might - and hence, that there are no universal moral values.

Now any philosophy major worth his salt would tell you that this argument is bull. The premise has a descriptive value, whereas the conclusion has a normative one. The latter doesn't follow logically from the former, because even if we don't agree on some stuff, there doesn't mean that the truth isn't still out there - right? The hiding of stars by dark clouds does not mean that they aren't there.

But it was scary - scary both because most of the classmates in my philosophy class seemed to be of the opinion that cultural relativism is a true, working theory - and scary also because there were certain points in time when I found myself nodding along with them and thinking, yea, that could be logically true...

Oh wells. Just as long as I remember the stars are still there, despite being obscured by clouds sometimes.

There are many times when I say stuff I don't mean to and that I wish I could take back. I guess the disappointment I feel with myself and the regret just serve to teach me to hold back on my impulsiveness and rashness. But hey! - I'm learning, I'm learning! On your part, please just forgive me. =)


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