Friday, February 03, 2006

To one of my good friends:

Dear KAREN!!!!

I just wanted to blog this down, in case you too, have a voyeuristic streak in you and go around surfing for people's blogs at 2am in the morning. (Ha-ha, well I admit that there are certain people like that, including yours truly. :p)

Anyways, we just got back from cell group and your surprise party. I really hope that you liked it! Delia was so sweet and thoughtful... she was the one who organized caring eh? And she came up with the creative idea TOO to boot! =)

Yup..okie.. anyways, I just wanted to say that you've really been a blessing to me, in each and every way. Small ones, big ones... over the past one year (it's been almost a year since I joined our cell!!! So cool eh?) I'm really so thankful that our friendship has grown by leaps and bounds. Thanks for the many walks back (AND forth!) our houses, as we attempt to analyze complicated friendships and relationships..for always being so caring and taking the time to just ask how I am.. for being the stable, calming friend you are, to balance my impulsiveness and rashness mostly..and most of all, for being one of those whom God has placed in my path, who brought me to Him.

I just really want to pray for you.. pray that, through hardships, stress, tribulations, joy, and laughter, you will just continue to look towards Him..look towards His goodness despite all that you might be suffering, and just continue to trust in Him. And not only to count our failures and blessings - but to just be able to see God as He is - the God who created us all, who loves us so. Just to be able to get to know Him more and more on an exponentially growing deeper level.. to be able to enjoy the intimacy with Him, and to know His will and be attuned to it..yup. That's what I pray for YOU, this beautiful sister of mine. =)

Lotsa love over many more years,


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