Thursday, February 02, 2006

What am I doing, blogging at 2am in the morning?????!?!?!

Okie.. maybe, as Lindeee says... I am addicted to blogging.

But what am I doing, awake at this unearthly hour in the first place?

I really am not sure...I'm feeling strangely hyper, and in need of some good ole exercise. Hmmm. Maybe it was the two cans of Coke and one can of Oolong Tea that I drank earlier today?

Yea.. feel like bouncing off the walls... *bounce bounce*... haha.

I think I really need patience and love.. especially with my parents. Earlier today I felt so indignant, so righteously angry, that they'd told me off for making trouble for them.. when all along I'd just wanted to be helpful and aid a friend. But on retrospect, they are old folks, they had watched a movie earlier tonight, and had then come all the way to fetch me home.. of course they'd have been tired. Hmm. Yup.. I just thank God that through it all, I hadn't reacted rashly as I might have before. Holy Spirit, I thank You for granting me the patience and maturity to act like.. well.. a decent, mature adult.

Nowadays, other than readings (lalala.. whoever knew that reading about the characteristics of Bentham's classical utilitarianism could be so entertaining?), the one thing that's highly amusing, to me at least, is the Baby Photo Contest. Ha-ha! Every morning I find myself filled with anticipation as I check out whose oh-so-cute photos have been posted overnight. In the daytime, at the Crusade Corner, Lindeee, Lalang, Dinkeee and I gawk and coo at the oh-so-cute quartet. I foresee that CO Kwang might just have started a brilliant new series of photo contests...coming up next is tentatively - Childhood Girlfriend photos????!??! Ahahahhaa.. again, I volunteer to be the judge. But the next time, I generously invite the others to be part of the panel. Hiakz hiakz.

The unopened packet of Snyder's of Hanover Cheddar Cheese pretzel sitting on my desk right in front of me sings out a siren's wail. It beckons invitingly with its garish orange wrapping and shimmering golden sides. "Bursting with flavor!", the luscious bits of finger-licking good pretzel bits pictured on the front look at me with seductive eyes. Can I resist? Dare I resist?

Oh all righty.. back to my readings.. this is a highly random post, generated at 2am due to a caffeine high and a lack of rest throughout the day..

More later,


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