Saturday, February 04, 2006

REAL results out!!!


The long-awaited, highly-anticipated results to the event of the month - Hansel's DG's cutest baby photo contest(gosh now that was a mouthful, wasn't it?) - are OUT!!

Now, before revealing the results, of course, this extremely-impartial judge has to say a few words. It was indeed tough, picking the cutest out of all these CUTE babies. Through the entire arduous endeavor, there were many trials. Daily I was bombarded by corrupted girls *wink* highly partial to the baby of their choice; they reproached me in all manners, at all times of the day, along Crusade Corner and even via online messages, about what they perceived as my bias-ness. Finally, to placate them and yet, still stick to my own principles, yours truly decided to open more categories in the contest.

Lemme tell you, facing those cooing girls more irrate at Ms Judge than a mother bird at a cat was S-T-R-E-S-S-F-U-L.

But I prevailed. Heh-heh.

Now..... *drumroll*.... Here are the results, OUT! =)

For the category of Most HARDWORKING Baby, we have.... Mr.... Joshua Chee!!!

For his entry of a smiley baby doing his readings, Joshie deserves this title, indeed. Hmm. Some things never change! =) Believe you me, it was a tough fight between Joshie's entry and that of Barney at his Kindergarten graduation. Then hey! - I realised that unless Barney had been a child prodigy, he would have graduated from K2 at the ancient age of 6 - and hence he had to be disqualifed. Tough luck, Barney. =)

Next up, we have the category of Most SPIRITUAL Baby. That was an easy one. Which baby proclaimed his love for Jesus in such a manifest and obvious way as our Mr Derek Foo???

Wow. With such a BIG heart for Christ, Derek should have seen the prize coming his way! I'm sure Derek has really grown up in his spiritual walk, from the time he was an innocent babe.. =) Do continue in your pursue for His Heart!

Of course, of course.. with such a BIG grin and his twisty yeeeeckle fingers, Mr Barnabas Gan certainly won the category of Most SUNNY Baby hands-down. Or should we say, fingers down. Okie okie, bad joke.. but anyways, who can resist grinning back at Barney's contorted, twisting little fingers and his wide open grin? How bout that Mickey Tshirt? What an encourager, indeed. =)

Well, to tell the truth, yours truly had a truly troubled time, trying to decide between choosing Barney or a certainother sunny baby to win this category.. trust me, it took a long time, but I finally decided...because.. the other baby wins in the...

Mr Guess Kids Category! With his supermodel post (check out those tiny legs so attuned to posing, one behind the other!) and his ultra-wide grin, Mr Hansel Kwang certainly embodied all the charm, poise and charisma a successful infant model needs. Not bad, not bad, Mr Guess Kids. If you'd been born maybe a decade later and in a totally different continent (ie. the USA), you might have become the style icon for lucky tots such as Brooklyn or Romeo Beckham, or the as yet unborn kid of Angelina and Brad.

Of course! There're a few other categories too, but as there isn't much time, I'll only briefly mention them.

Baby most like his present self - Joshie and Hansel tie in this category. Just a glimpse of their baby photos is remiscent of their present counternances.

Most Ah-pek Baby - Haha, Joshie again:

Nah, I don't favour him - but c'mon, which baby except an Ah-pek one sits like that, leg crossed over the other, at such a young age? =p

Most heartwarming baby photo - All right, it's a tie-up between Derek and his-unnamed-brother, (check out Derek's sulky face, ha-ha)

...and babies Tim and Hansel facing each other and gazing at the camera. Check out the cute little pair of overalls Hans is wearing, and Tim's chubby little hands grasping at his crib. Ahhhh... it's always so heartwarming, to see young brothers taking photos together.

Most greedy little baby - again, Joshie, as he stares intently into the camera in front of his 2nd birthday cake. Check out the baby behind him as he attempts to hold Joshie down! "Relax, bro, the cake's not going to run away".. Haha. THAT was a true classic. Thanks Josh for that line.

Most hyperactive little baby - Hansel!

With those boxing gloves and the feet fleet as a butterfly. Hmm.. this baby sure had a good future.. he could have ended up either a famous Child Model OR the next Mohammad Ali. See, golden boy?

And now - for the one BIG category everyone's been waiting for. Just who, though, is THE CHAMPION OF THE CUTEST BABY category, my dear readers might be pondering. Well, search and ponder no further, as I proclaim now - the cutest baby, with the most pensive expression, the chubbiest cheeks, the fattest forearms, and most mischievious looking cowlick and clad in his brother's hand-me-down overalls -


Well I do have to bear in mind that his was just an honourary entry, illicitly posted by his dear elder brother, so running a VERY close second, and maybe only about 0.00...1% less cute than Tim, we have the sleeping photo of.. MR JOSHIE again! Woo-hoo! Joshie, the camera REALLY loves your baby face! =)

All righty folks. This judge is exhausted and now must rest, in preparation for the much flake that she might have to face from the indignant column of girly fans of the contest. But once again, folks, remember - I WAS impartial. Haha.

Seriously, thanks for all the fun and entertainment provided.. Linkalime will come up with another photo contest soon, won't we, girls? And I bet ours will be entertaining as well.. but in the meantime.. just enjoy the baby pics of the guyzmos!

Ms Judge

PS For all the fun provided, I pledge to buy each and every baby mentioned here a drink, redeemable within the next week. Heh-heh. All righty, Baby Edwin wins gets a drink too.. but I have to see the photo that he entrusted to Hans.. Ha-ha.


Blogger Momo said...

wtf!!!! you hate babies!! hyakz. mebbe that's why you got elected to be the judge... because you think all are equally dumb and ugly.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...

C'mon.. I told you. I like these babies. :D

9:46 PM  

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