Saturday, January 14, 2006


Oh my goodness!

I just had a totally vivid nightmare about an entire stranger, someone I've NEVER MET before!!!!

It all centred upon my water-bottle. The new one, the orangey-yellow Nalgene one. I was desperately trying to get this afore-mentioned someone (who shall henceforth be known as FPUOTB, and only Li-en knows what that stands for, and Lindeee, if you don't, ask me, and I will tell you privately..anyways so stop speculatin'. Haha.) to stay behind at the old, erstwhile Kovan interchange so that she could help me fill my brand new Nalgene bottle. My eyes went big and puppy-dog-like, although goodness knows HOW I know they looked, since I was the one making them like that.. but anyways they went like a sad puppy-dog's, in a bid to get her to do as I wanted her to. My voice went all pleading-like.

Well guess what, FPUOTB had a TERRIBLE impression of me. FPUOTB shook her head sadly and in mild irritation, and complained that she wanted to get home...and my heart just sank.

Yikes. Moral of the story number 1 - never get someone you've never (or just) met to fill your Nalgene bottle. You always end up getting disappointed.

Moral of the story number 2, a more general principle this time 'round - Kailuo should never try her persuading (some say pestering) skills on everyone. Especially those she's never tested the waters with. Or rather, she shouldn't try them at all.

Fun Saturday! Oooh-hoo! Soon I'll be leaving for the Cheshire Home for a meeting with the social worker in charge there, to go through some tuition material (*gulp.. MATHS???*) I'll be doing with this 16 year-old. Ricki. Or Veeki. After that, a myriad of readings to stand in line for, endure the blinding lights of the photocopying machine, and pay for!

PS Okie the dream was really ridiculous, and Li-en knows why. HA!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha... miss lan you've just been thinking waaaay too much about somebody.
oh my gosh u're so funny. haha... imagine you waking me up just to tell me. wahaha...

12:32 PM  

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