Sunday, March 12, 2006

What they don't teach you in primary school...

The brilliant, intellectually-stimulating conversation during dinner just now centred around the.. ahem.. reproduction habits of ceratioids - yup, Anglerfish.

You know, those ugly fish with a serious underbite problem and that dangling lamp hanging from the top of their heads?

Anyways, so I enlightened the guys, Kwang and Barny, about the mating rituals of Anglerfish.

According to Wikipedia, "His goal in life is to detect the pheromones that the female anglerfish release. When he finds a female, he bites into her flank, and an enzyme digests the skin of his mouth and her body, fusing the pair down to their blood vessels. The male degenerates into nothing more than a pair of gonads that releases sperm when the female releases certain hormones into the bloodstream indicating egg release. This is an extreme example of sexual dimorphism."

The funniest thing about today was the expression of the faces of the guys, especially Kwang. An uncontrollable mixture of relief, thanksgiving and despair spread across his face. C-LASSIC! Mua-haha.


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