Wednesday, March 01, 2006


There's a new hero in my life.

He's blonde, has the most wonderful melting hazel brown eyes, and is strongly muscled all over. He listens to me (most of the time) and every day he gives me tender kisses on my face. He's got a gentle, probing touch, doesn't step out of the house (sometimes) without me, and he's SO BRAVE!


He's my DOG lah! What were you thinking? Ha-ha..

I'm pleased and proud to announce that, after a long wait of 2 months - yes, folks, that's TWO LONG MONTHS! - my new hero, Polo-boy, otherwise known as "that fierce dog" (to our neighbours) and the newly-titled King of Lim Ah Pin Road, has managed to kill the rat that's been been the bane of my family for so long.

Yes. This evening I went to the back to let him into our house, as we normally do. This time round, though, instead of shooting eagerly into the house like a bullet, Polo did something unusual; he headed straight for this small room we have in the backyard, and started sniffing and whining. At first I thought he was hurt, but after seeing him jump around like a Duracell bunny I figured it was - the - RAT.

So I called my mum along, and she snatched up a big ole stick to whack the heck out of ole Rodent Boy, should he appear. Well but when he did - POLO got to him first, before any of us cowards did! He pounced and the entire 30cm long (well from head to tail) rodent disappeared under his formidably muscled body! With a few shakes of his mighty head and a snap-crunch-rip Polo'd killed the resident rodent of number # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Road!

Da Bandit has it all down on film.. his brave did, her *shame-faced* cowardly shrieks (I did not shriek, I merely stood aside and refused to step across the gate to the backyard), how Polo grabbed hold of Rodent Boy by the neck and refused to let go...

Well all righty, after mucho hugs and kisses and a hastily opened pack of Cesar and some handfuls of dry food, our hero seems mighty pleased and proud of himself. He lies regally on his throne (aka our sofa) now, knowing that, whatever trangressions he does in the next few days at least, the Wicked Witch (aka the Mum) will not scold him.

Hmmm. Well it's good that Polo caught the rat.. like da Bandit said, it was just a matter of when, not if, he'd catch it. But now I'm wondering.. could this be the first catch in a future career of rodent-killing? I should hope not... especially not when the two remaining rodents in our house now are Timmie and Hammie.

Anyways, here's introducing - the Hero of the Evening, Polo-boy!!!!


Blogger Momo said...

brave did? surely you meant... brave "DEED" ~hyakz~

11:29 PM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...


Fine, you win me on this.

Better make it a photo, or even better, VIDEO essay about How Polo Killed the Rat.

11:31 PM  

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