Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Conviction AND passion..

Dear H and J,

After much ruminating, I've figured out that both conviction and passion are equally important.

It's only when you possess both conviction - conviction that whatever you're doing you have been led to by the Holy Spirit - and a burning passion and love for God and all His ways, a passion that far outshines the passion you have for other things - that you know that whatever you're doing is not only good, it's god-willed.

Lookie Abraham. He felt the conviction to bring Isaac up to Mt. Sinai, but without a passion for God, he would never have carried the act through to such an advance stage.

So passion and conviction go hand in hand.. I think now.

Agreed, H and J? Ha-ha.. I can't believe I'm sacrificing valuable S-ing time to B. *smirks*


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