Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Come to Jesus...


Today was OMBF for my DG but I didn't go, cos I was staying at home to complete some stuff, and didn't really want to break the momentum. Thank You Lord for giving me the rest that I need, and the discipline!

This sem I've been studying relatively harder than last, or the last, or THE last one before that, so yesterday when I had a test I really really wanted to do well.

When I saw the questions though, my mind really just went blank. I did study, as much as I could.. but it was just that I couldn't remember anything for nuts. All my well laid plans, that of getting A's and A+'s for my philosophy modules flew away in front of me like sneering crows. Oh wells. But seriously, I do thank God.. for this reminder. This reminder that even though man makes his plans, GOD is the one who can fulfil everything and anything. My Father, my Lord, is the one who will decide what's in store for me, who will take care of me.. and so I have decided to just place the rest of the modules into His able Hands, and just be at peace. Yup!

It's really a great feeling.. I've been having this peace from God these past few weeks, at least in matters to do with my studies. He's just been telling me to do my best, and that He'll take care of the rest.. that's a wonderful feeling! Thank You Lord!

But I do feel guilty.. and sad, cos I haven't been reading my bible as much as I should. Like I told my DG-mates, there should be no compromises in my walk with God, regardless of how many worries or stress we have! Yup.. that is a resolution I will make right now - to get to know Him more and more and MORE each day! =) Nothing is going to come between my Creator, my Savior, and me!

Anyways, this song just popped up in my head just now. It's a wonderful, simple song... and for those who are extra inquisitive and wanna know, YES, the actual song was in English, and YES, I will post the lyrics up too. =)

Komm zu Jesus
Verwündet, schwach, ein Sünder
Verloren wenn du stirbst
Oh heb den Kopf weil Liebe um dich wirbt
Komm zu JESUS, komm zu JESUS, komm zu JESUS
Und leb

Jetzt ist die Last verschwunden
Ins tiefste Meer versenkt
Sein Tod hat dir das Leben neu geschenkt
Nun sing zu JESUS, sing zu JESUS, sing zu JESUS
Und leb

Hab keine Angst zu krabben
Als neugebornes Kind
Und vergiß nicht manchmal fallen wir auch hin
Dann fall auf JESUS, fall auf JESUS, fall auf Jesus
Und leb

Dein Weg ist manchmal einsam
Gepflastet auch mit Schmerz
Dein Himmel schwarz und trännenvoll dein Herz
Dann schrei zu JESUS, schrei zu JESUS, schrei zu JESUS
Und leb

Wenn Liebe übersprudelt
Musik die Nacht erfüllt
Die Freude deine Leidenschaft enthüllt
Dann tanz für JESUS, tanz für JESUS, tanz für JESUS
Und leb

Und mit dem letzten Herzschlag
Sage lebewohl
Dann geh im Frieden denn er wartet schon
Flieg heim zu JESUS, heim zu JESUS, heim zu JESUS
Und leb

Flieg heim zu JESUS, heim zu JESUS, heim zu JESUS
Und leb...

And the English lyrics, here goes:

Untitled hymn (by Chris Rice)
Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die
Raise your head for love is passing by
Come to JESUS, come to JESUS, come to JESUS
And live

Now your burden's lifted and carried far away
His precious blood has washed away the stains
So sing to JESUS, sing to JESUS, sing to JESUS
And live

And like a newborn baby
Don't be afraid to crawl
And remember when we walk sometimes we fall
So fall on JESUS, fall on JESUS, fall on JESUS
And live

Sometimes the way in lonely
And steep and filled with pain
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain
Then cry to JESUS, cry to JESUS, cry to JESUS
And live

O and when the love spills over
And music fills the night
When you can't contain your joy inside
Then dance for JESUS, dance for JESUS, dance for JESUS
And live

With your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace and laugh on Glory's high
Then fly to JESUS, fly to JESUS, fly to JESUS
And live.....

Absolutely beautiful song. I have tears in my eyes right now, thinking of what Jesus has done, and what He will do for us sinners. Thank You God for Your Grace... Thank You Lord Jesus for being our greatest, first love.


Blogger A.E.W said...

Hi , This is exactly what God is trying to show most of us at the moment,,,that our lives are His and not ours and that the time we spend and how we spend it is mostly dedicated to blessed und danke feur das weundershoenes lied!

Gottes Segen

Antoinette, Finland

7:59 PM  

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