Friday, March 10, 2006

How great is our God.

These few days, and even this past week, God's been constantly reminding me, over and over again, of just how great He is.

The last few weeks I'd been in emotional turmoil. Yea, the face I present to the world seems cheery and happy all the time, cos I never like to admit that I'm feeling down - but trust me, for many days at least I really just cried myself to sleep. Maybe that's why I missed so much lessons - cos my eyes became all swollen the next day and I CANNOT bear to appear with swollen eyes in public. Ha-ha..

But seriously.. all this is true. I'd been feeling very down; actually, this isn't something I would admit to many people. But since it's all in the past (hopefully), it doesn't matter.

But over the past week, God's reminder has been upon my heart. Now I know that, regardless of what happens, regardless of any situation or circumstance, the greatness and the glory of God will be with me. The LOVE and GRACE of God will always be upon me. I just need to seek Him first, and all emotional turmoils will fall away. After this realisation, I've seriously come to embrace a peace, far greater than any I've known for months.

Yup, thank You Father!

But I also think He's telling me that it's okay to open my heart to my friends.. to share about what I'm feeling, instead of pretending to be strong all the time. Well the problem is.. I'm not actually pretending - it's more like how I don't really see the need to tell about my problems half the time, cos it wouldn't make me feel better nor solve the problem anyways.

But I'm beginning to see that transparency in friendships are important - especially transparency about feelings.

Just give me time, dear friends. It's not that I don't want to share most of the time.. it's just not me. But I'll learn, one day, yup I will.

The song that's been lingering in my head today, especially in the afternoon -

Holy holy are You Lord
The whole earth is filled with Your Glory
Let the nations rise to give
Honour and praise to Your Name
Let Your face shine on us
And the world will know You live
All the heavens shout Your praise
Beautiful is our God
The universe will sing
Halleluja to You our King


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