Saturday, February 25, 2006

Thankful and happy that I went..

Admittedly I'd been feeling tired the whole afternoon, and after going home and taking an evening nap, I badly wanted to stay at home instead of attend the Revival Prayer Meeting held in church. And at 7pm, after waking up groggy-eyed and dazed, I was in about 3/4 of a mind to just fall back into a blissful snooze again.. something though just pushed and urged me to wash up and change and to get myself down to church.

Anyhow, I'm so thankful and glad that I decided to go!

We had this guest preacher, the Rev. Edmund Something. And of course, he was speaking about Revival in the Church. Now unlike during lectures, I actually do pay attention during sermons, so I guess I caught his concept of "revival" pretty clearly - imagine a flame, sweeping immediately throughout a church - a flame of passion for God. That's what Revival is.

Ordinarily, we have to whole-heartedly pursue and seek God before we can encounter Him.. however, sometimes, like during a Revival, God comes down to meet us, wherever our hearts are..and this meeting of God brings us to a further height, a heightened passion for Him and His name.

I was really entranced by Rev. Edmund's talk, as he described his personal encounters with the Holy Spirit.. his vivid descriptions and the myriad of emotions manifested (NO, he did not weep during his talk to demonstrate a point, but there were several times when he actually teared heavily as the Spirit overtook him.. you could hear a pin drop in the Sanctuary as all of just stared at him, agog..) really spoke to me.. and told me that the Holy Spirit does work in people.

And boy, does He! Halleluja!

We went up to be prayed for after that, and nope, I wasn't slained.. (uhm.. *gulp*.. actually do kinda feel relieved.. but I guess that's a wrong attitude; I should be approaching this with a more open heart!).. but it was amazing to see fully functional adults lose control, get slained, fall to their knees, cry, weep uncontrollably, or laugh without stopping. You just know the Holy Spirit is working; you just see how real God is! I did tear, though.. and I felt this incredible sense of warmth while being prayed for. =) COOL!

But still.. I'm so glad and thankful. Glad that God dragged my lazy butt out of bed to go for this prayer meeting..and glad that He revealed several things about myself to me. I see that I'm still so prideful, that despite knowing theoretically that we are absolutely nothing without Him, deep down inside I still resist that. I still think that I can wrestle control of my life.

So, Lord.. I will make it my prayer that You break me, break me of this pride and instill in its place an everlasting passion for YOUR Name, for YOUR Glory! I pray that throughout everything that's going to happen, good or bad, whether or not I desire it to or not, that I will always always look to You and trust in Your Goodness and Faithfulness!

I've really realised one thing - that I do want to re-commit my whole life into God's able hands. Sometimes things do not go the way we want them to.. or we just don't see where the good is, and we question God about the whys of things. But really - I pray that as and when such things happen, that I just remember that HE is the Greatest Love of my love! Not any man, not any creature, but GOD our Father!

We went out as a cell group to nosh and play Taboo at Coconut Groove after the meeting.. it was good, though most of us were pretty dead tired after a long day in school. (Ha-ha.. not everyone has the good fortune to live less than 10 minutes away from church and be able to take a late afternoon nap.) But Taboo was fun! Ian commented to Karen that through this game, the really competitive ones can be observed.. I guess that's true! Especially when many of us (yours truly especially) were shushing MX half the time for helping her boyfriend, who was on the other team.

Oh wells. Just something really hilarious that I can't help but blog down.

Rimtimtim (his word was "SLUG"): Uhm.. a snail. Snail without shell.
Everyone else: Sssslu...
Chris: .... MUSSEL!

Yes, mussel. Mussel??!???! Muahahhaa. Sure, Chris! *Gulp*. Here's to Belgian beer and Belgian Slug broth! =)

I decided to splurge today and get something I'd always wanted, ever since I first saw it in the Co-op... NOPE, not an item of clothing, or a new flowery pencil case (yuks), or anything like that. Instead - TADA! Franz Kafka's The Trial!

Can't wait to read it and engage in intellectual discussions pertaining to the hermeneutical aspects of this short novel!

And finally, just to end off - here's a quote I read today that I think can act as a really good reminder to all of us.

"No one can truly know Christ except to follow Him in life." - Anabaptist leader Hans Denk.


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