Monday, January 30, 2006

Just some reflections.


Just spent a totally fun afternoon at Li-en's place playing Shadows of Camelot again. But still, I must REALLY suck at this kinda game. Cos despite this being my fourth or fifth time playing, and despite playing with almost the same lot of people as the last time all over again, some STILL thought that innocent ole me was the traitor. Ha-ha. I just think differently from you guys (ie, not so cunning...), OKIE? Heh. Plus, being King Arthur for the 4th time just doesn't give me room for creativity, yea? Haha..

See, that was innocent ole me... How could anyone suspect ME of being the traitor? Hehe.

Still.... it was really enjoyable, just gathering in a group and being able to just relax, throw away our stress and worries for one afternoon.. with the added fun of initiating Rimtimtim into the Knighthood of the Round Table.

I was just ruminating on my walk home.. just how comfortable and unstressed and somehow, connected I feel with these people (and a few others, of COURSE!) - most of whom I've known only a few months, and some I've known about a year or so. All of them are Crusaders, all have a passion for the Lord, despite how different we all are.. yup, I guess it's that, plus God's Love, that binds us all together.

But are we being too "exclusive"? Too "cliquish", when you just want to have a fun and stress-free time hanging out with your best pals? I really don't know.. is it terrible to want to spend time with those people with whom you feel most comfortable, and not so much with others? Don't worry, I'm not taking myself on a guilt trip.. I don't feel guilty THAT easily. It's just..something to think about.

Other random stuff -

A lizard just fell on my sister's head. *chuckles* Well in case anyone thinks that was mean of me, how bout the time she stuffed a dead GECKO into an empty jewellery box and bluffed me that someone had given me a GOLDHEART necklace for V-day? Huh huh? Hmm... *scratches head*.. maybe I should start using the Kwang hottest-heater method to exterminate the world of lizards. ~~~

My mother was gawking at this heavily be-muscled, half-clothed scene of Arnold Schwazzenegger, the last I walked past the TV. Yikes. What's with her and her idols? If it's not Arnie, it's Fei Yu Qing.. now I think Zhang Fei is a better candidate for admiration, at least. ~~~

Jealousy and self-pity do not good walking partners make. Well, at least, not for someone who wants to walk right in the Lord's eyes. Cos these are two attributes that do NOT come from Him, but which work together extremely well to take one's self-esteem one full notch DOWN. ~~~

I want a Schnauzer dog, some day.. but who knows when? I don't even know if I'll have the time and effort a dog fully deserves, once I start working. ~~~

Gotta choose earrings tomorrow.. nope not for me! Haha. It's for a very good friend of mine, and if you're reading this, Karen, please note that I hope you like my taste! ~~~

I WOULD like to be Sir Gawain, the next time we play Shadows. No more the lousy King.. please please PLEASE? Hehe... ~~~

More readings to do!! Tutorials to hand in!! (Note it's "hand in, NOT pass up!") ~~~

I love my friends, I really do! SOOO people! I'm really looking forward to having dinner with everyone tomorrow night..even at the expense.. of some long overdue readings. Sighhh..~~~

To anyone who's reading this.. who's supposed to have posted a photo of yourself as a baby by next Friday - hurry up and get thee to searching for that photo! Haha.. *drums thumbs*... Miss Impartial Judge awaits. I already have the very first (tentative) entry, by a Mr Gan, but til the rest have been posted.. I won't reveal my judgement. Rest assured though, I am very unbiased in such matters. Heh-heh.

Why'd I have to wait so long? Even though.. I know it's for the best... LORD! Please grant me patience NOW! Ok that was a joke.. ~~~

My new favourite word (of the moment) - courtesy of Josh - is ... "FWAH!" HAha. I think I'm very liable to go around "fwah-ing" people for the next few days or so, at least..

More later, FWAH


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Auntie LULU!! It's MEEEE It's MEEEEE!! YAY YAY YAY!!!!!


8:55 AM  

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