Sunday, January 22, 2006

I could sing of Your love forever...

Sure I could.

I love singing so much.

See, that's the problem. I love SINGING so much. If this had been a TYS question - "Why could you sing of His Love forever?" - the model answer would have been - "Because I love Him so much."

Sigh. When will my prideful behaviour cease? When will I learn truly, that everything - everything I'm capable of, gifted with, presented with, able to do - all come from Him?

It's true. I've never had a major problem being able to do anything I really cared about, since young. God's really blessed me with so many things, so many giftings... the offshoot is that I've never really had to struggle with doing anything. Which isn't good, cos it exposes me to pride.. to my own prideful nature.

I've really come to realise that I need the Lord so much in my life.. that everything I've "done", "created", "made", "established" - all were from His hands, His mightiness. For Proverbs 16:9 says - "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." We might have great and mighty plans, sure. I would love to lead millions of people to Christ, to see a revival in Singapore...But still, these are only human plans. And only the Lord can establish them - as He can frustrate them, in order to let us grow.

Ah see see see. Just my ambitions in the above paragraphs betray me. "I would love to...".. "I want"... but do these plans include, and focus on, glorifying the Lord's Mighty Name? KL KL.. you are so prideful.

I DO know that. But is knowing it in my mind the same as knowing it deep down in my heart?

Gosh. Never realised til recently that I have to struggle with pride too. It's indeed a blow.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not sure if this is any comfort, but i do struggle with this issue too. in fact, all of us do, i think, in a big or small way. tt's why we need God to break us and show us how much we need Him... will cause us a lot of pain and struggle, but when we pull thru cos of His grace, we'd allow a little more of His beauty to shine through us. :)

1:14 AM  
Blogger Dinky said...

4 posts in one day... babe are you ok? haha...

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha... I'm sure MAvis will give you yr debut soon!!

7:57 PM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...

Dear Lalang
Yup..thanks so much! It IS a comfort. Thanks for your advice and words.

Ms Dinkeeeeee....
I'm OKIE! Are you? WHEN WILL I SEE YOU? Sighhhh... attachment does mess with your schedule so much... *sulks*

My dear Joshie Chee
Haha. No doubt she will, sooner or later.. I'm not impatient abt that. It's just my motivation I'm questioning.. =) But thanks though.


10:50 PM  
Blogger Dinky said...

hey you know something? i actually really missed seeing you today. haha... and u're not online either so that feels even weirder.
oh well.. dont's sulk, there's always tommorrow tommorrow! =)

12:44 AM  

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