Monday, February 20, 2006

Of monkeys and hamsters.

Oh yea - actually, I like being sunburnt on my face. It gives me a pretty pink blush!!! Haha. I should go down to parks on sunny days and tilt my head to the sun more often.

Although some people would say it looks like a monkey. Hmmf.

Well, well, other things. Timmie and Hammie (Rimtimtim says I should call him Hansie...that's a thought, certainly, to be considered...) came home!

Nope folks, don't worry... Timmie didn't pull off another (fourth?) great escape, this time corrupting Hammie/Hansie and pulling him along into the deep abyss of rodent mafia-hood. Instead, these two brave boys were lent to Dinkeee, Eeleen, and Sandra and their group as part of their experiment on Animal Behaviour.

Well of course when they came home after several days, I was totally happy to see them. Let's see what they have to say about their experience.

When grilled about why they'd come home in separate cages, Hansie jumped in and claimed:"That's cos my naughty brother, Timmie, keeps biting me and jumping on me and making me squeak and traumatizing me - "

But, folks now, was his claim at all valid? If he had been speaking the truth, why did he stop complaining the moment Timmie shot him a Look? Hansie could have continued, and brought the truth to light. But instead, he shut up like a little clam and refused to say more, beyond a few squeaks here and there. Now Timmie protested, of course. "Sometimes I just like to play with him, and who's to blame if my playing gets a little rougher? After all, I'm in a better physical condition than my bro! When we were kids (hamster cubs? kittens? kits?) we used to wrestle alot too, and he used to jump on top of me, just cos he was bigger. Well now I'm bigger, so..."

Well well. We don't really know who is at fault here, do we? Hmm. But check out the pictures.

This is Timmie, the great escapist! Check out his big bright black eyes and his nice, smooth white fur coat! With his great skills and talents, Timmie is destined to be a)either a circus performer - you know those who spend their time wriggling into and out of pipes, etc.. or b)a scientist. (that's where the white coat comes in handy.)

Check out Hansie/Hammie! He is busy trying to nibble on the carrot (I think) and looks quite cute doing that. Beside him is the empty toilet roll that he chews on/hides in/makes a nest out of. He's got a little black strip down his back and I think that makes him look like a little pig.

Photos acredited to Dinkeee who shot them with her trusty old Sony Ericsson k700i. (No it's not a new model of Digicam, it's a cell phone.)

All righty, enough of nonsense. I think the start of the midsem break is getting to me and making me more nonsensical than usual.


Blogger eeleen said...

hey kailuo :)

thanks for lending us your hamsters! they were really cute. and yes, 'hansel' was quite traumatised by 'timmie' when they first got my house. the friendly wrestling didn't look so friendly.

i can see that timmie is one excited chap. he also peed in the maze. ;) but he was so cute and was one fine sociable guy :)

that said hansel was quite sweet too, although he needed a lot of coaxing. sandra and i had a good laugh when he was still for a while and i finally encouraged it to move and i said "ohhh hansel listens to me!" wahaha.

you're quite a riot sister - naming your hamsters after the kwang brothers. :P i hope they're enjoying my ikea cardboard box which i sacrificed to keep 'hansel' alive. ;) (all my books which the box used to contain are now on the floor)

ohhh and the muesli we bought them also looked good enough for ME to eat! gee. hamsters these days.

9:57 PM  

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