Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A few other things.

I just had the sweetest dream and it leaves me smiling even now, 23 minutes after I've awoken up.

*big beam*

Okay, here're a few neophotos from yesterday evening that I stole off Dinkeee's blog. Heh. Thanks Dinkeee!

Don't we all look so adorable? Good enough to eat..haha. From the bottom we have Dinkeee the Bavarian Bier-mädel, with ... uhm, wings in her hair! Going left, it's Joshua wearing a cap that looks strangely like Momo's.. and to his right, we have a smiling, cheery Lindeee! The one in turquoise with a great big grin plastered to her face is yours truly.

Yup, here we are, the King and Queens! Of what? Of hearts? (yea hopefully..) But most importantly, we're kings and queens cos we know that one day, we'll be in our Father's Kingdom! YEA!

All together now... awwwww. Aren't we sweet? :)

All righty, Wen's remark on the tagboard just jolted my memory to what'd happened a coupla days ago, that I thought had been hilarious. This is what happened:

KL (on the phone with Hansel): Hey, did you see that Timmie bullying Hammie?
Hans (with clinking of cutlery behind him): Ya, Timmie is a Bad Boy.
Female voice in the background: HOW DARE you say it in front of me?

Ha-ha.. that was Mrs Kwang their mother. She didn't sound angry or annoyed; she did sound very youthful, though. Sweet.

Oh wells at least I thought it was hilarious.

Moral of the story: Don't call your friend's hamster a Bad Boy at the dinner table, especially if it's named after your brother. =p


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