Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'm sunburnt!!!!

Yes folks, I am sunburnt! Oh dear, that comes after my official declaration earlier today, that I do not get burnt, only tanner. Shucks. There are strips of pink on my face and my arms now that look frighteningly red. Oh wells. At least I do not get as burnt as some other fairer skinned people on the worship team, the names of whom shall not be revealed here. =p

Yup, there was a worship team outing/delayed vision and prayer meeting today, held at West Coast Park. Why West Coast? Was it because of the great view of Pasir Panjang Harbour? Or because of the blistening sunshine that God had generously granted us? Well, actually I don't know why that place was chosen - in fact, on the way home, Darryl and Alvin Chew pointed out that we could have used Bishan Park, and all of us on the car found ourselves nodding and going Ya...Why didn't we think of that??? - but oh wells. It WAS a good location.

So we ate lunch (a kingly offering of fried noodles or rice, plus a dessert cone from Mac's that dripped alarmingly fast, faster than I could slurp it up), sang a few worship songs, and Chris shared something with us that really spoke to my heart. Nope, he didn't preach (although he'd prepared two entire pages of A4 sheets.. bless his heart. =) ), but he gave a Thought Experiment.

According to Chris' Theory of the Lousy Maid, it is logically possible that one day, you find yourself the possible employer of - a lousy maid with the generic name of - Siti. Well, so Siti does weird things like vacuum the floor at 3am in the morning, blasting everyone up ("Yes Sirr, bee-cors I like to do ad thrrreee am", in Chris' impeccable Maid Accent), gets ready lunch in the morning at 10am ("Bee-cors, Sirr, I got parrty to attend laterr"), and loves things that almost everyone else hates - like - Cockroaches.

Hmmm. Imagine someone behaving like that to his master. Imagine just doing stuff in the guise of serving the master, but actually catering everything to our need, our pride, to our sense of accomplishment. Imagine doing wicked things that the master hates passionately, and yet delighting in doing these sins.

That is how we are like, with God our Master.

Amidst all the chuckling, the spluttering of water from noses because of Chris' accent and his grass-plucking antics, I really thank him for pointing all of us to this fact. Sometimes it's just there, in front of you - just how unChristlike, just how ill-disciplined we can all be, especially in our roles as servants of God. But it's only when it's pointed out that we realise it just applies to us like that.

I was reflecting on something that Chris'd asked - what is one problem we can think of, connected with serving in the Worship Ministry. And although I'd shared with everyone else the fact that it can get both emotionally and energi(cally?) draining, the greatest danger, in my opinion - is - PRIDE.

PRIDE. That's just a simple 5 lettered word. But underlying it is such a lot of brutal competition, such a lot of criticism, such a lot of putting down of others, even as our prideful selves start thinking ourselves better than others - and even worse, thinking that we don't need God. Each and everyone in the Worship Team is gifted, I really believe that - but sometimes, the contrite and broken-hearted find it easier to approach God and to step into the Inner Temple, than those who are prideful and have forgotten where their God-given talents come from. And real, true love for one another can only be borne out of a pride-less-ness.

Whew. Other than serious stuff, we played frisbee (well, the others played, I protested against playing but, once drafted, walked languidly here and there and didn't score any goals), a few of the teenagers and I climbed the Spiderweb (YEA! Did it without screaming at ALL. Although Rimtimtim didn't take me up on my offer to race him up.), uhm, managed to directly throw the frisbee into the path of Hans' head, talked a bit more to Betty, more than I'd ever talked to her before, and just fully enjoyed myself.

So I thank God. Thank You for the sun(burns), for speaking to our hearts through Chris, for our giftings and talents, for the fun that we had, for the drinks and food provided, for the sighting of the resident "Eagle" of NUS (it kept soaring above our heads.), and altogether, just for giving us the privilege to offer a small part of ourselves unto Him, through serving Him the best we can.

So everyone, let's be Siti, but this time round, the new and improved version, Version 2.0!




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