Wednesday, January 18, 2006

He's so hard to pin down!!!

Yes....why's this guy in my life so hard to pin down and to catch? I really want him back..but somehow, he's not reciprocating.

Is it cos he's goodlooking? Yeah, maybe. Those black eyes of his would melt any lady's heart. Is there some femme that I don't know of, luring him away...?

Is it cos he's got the heart of adventure? Yup, could be.. Adventurers are wanderers and are never contended to be stationary.

But why's he so hard to catch????

I think the most significant reason is that ... he HAS FOUR FREAKING LEGS THAT RUN FREAKING FAST!!! Much faster than my hands can move.

Stupid hamster. Maybe I should have named you Flash instead of Timmie.

Well, okie. Tonight is the last night to catch you, before the cleaning lady comes tomorrow and mashes you in her attempts to straighten the furniture. So PLEASE COOPERATE!

Rimtimtim'd better use his psychic powers to help me catch my hamster...

(a very distressed) Kailuo


Blogger Hannah Lindy - Following God at all cost said...

CHey... hahhaa.. i thought who was the one?! hahah for a moment i thought you were getting desperate! hahaha... :p

10:24 PM  
Blogger Yellow Garfield said...


10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Lindy! i can almost hear u on the verge of gg "SO! kailuo!" wahahaha.

12:28 AM  
Blogger Hannah Lindy - Following God at all cost said...

hahaha... :p

but i wasn;t gonna say tt!!! hahaha.. :p

11:48 PM  

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